For example, I have this data:
x, 23
y, 492
v, 2034
x, 45
z, 25
v, 29
Which I want to transform into:
x, 23, 45
y, 492
v, 2034, 29
z, 25
It would be the equivalent of a printed hash table.
Here is my current script:
logs = LOAD 'tmp' using MyLoader (Parameters) as
(x:bytearray, y:bytearray, z, x1, y1:bytearray, z1:long, x2:bytearray,
z2:bytearray, z3:bytearray, z4:float, dataMap:map[],
recs:bag{(record:bytearray)}, key:bytearray, colo:bytearray);
filtered_logs = foreach logs {
info = FILTER records BY record MATCHES 'FIRST_REGEX';
info_records = FOREACH info GENERATE GET_FIELDS($0) as
rec:tuple(mClass:bytearray, rType:bytearray,
rName:bytearray, rStatus:bytearray, rDuration:float,
rData:bytearray, rDataMap:map[]);
name = FOREACH info_records GENERATE rec.rName;
matching_requests = FILTER records BY record MATCHES 'SECOND_REGEX';
GENERATE FLATTEN(client_name) as client_name:chararray,
dataMap#'corr_id_', (SIZE(matching_requests) > 0 ? true : false)
as matched:boolean;
A = FILTER filtered_logs BY matched;
key_corr_id = foreach A generate (chararray) $1 as key, (chararray) $2 as corr_id;
id_group = group key_corr_id by key; -- ERROR thrown when this line is included.
STORE id_group into '$output' using, 'YES_MULTILINE');
The error being thrown:
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.String
No need to create a new relation and join.Just group by the key and dump the relation.
key_corr_id = foreach A generate (chararray) $1 as key:chararray, (chararray) $2 as corr_id:chararray;
id_group = group key_corr_id by key;
dump id_group;
Now if you don't want the tuples say for key x , {(23),(45)} but want the items separated like x,23,45 then add another step to use BagToString on the corr_id in the grouping like this
final = foreach id_group generate key,BagToString(A.$1, ',');
dump final;