I'm trying to use docker to do this:
Run Docker image, make sure you mount your User (for MAC) or home (for Ubuntu) directory as a volume so you can access your local files
The code that I've been given is:
docker run -v /Users/:/host -p 5000:5000 -t -i bjoffe/openface_flask_v2 /bin/bash
I know that the part that I should modify to my local files is -v /Users/:/host
, but I am unsure how to do so.
The files I want to load in the container are inside home/user/folder-i-want-to-read
How should this code be written?
Bind mount is just a mapping of the host files or directories into a container files or directories. That basically pointing to the same physical location on disk. In your case, you could try this command,
docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -v /home/user/folder-i-want-to-read/:/path_in_container bjoffe/openface_flask_v2 /bin/bash
And, once run verify that directories from the path on host home/user/folder-i-want-to-read
are loaded in the container path which you have mapped.