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Gulp - Renaming a file extension

Scenario: I have two config files. Using gulp-rename, I like to rename them from .config to config.disabled.

var rename = require("gulp-rename");
gulp.task("zzz_Remove-Useless-Files", function () {
    var files = [config.websiteRoot + "/App_config/ConnectionStrings.config", config.websiteRoot + "/App_config/RewriteRules.config"];
    return gulp.src(files).pipe(
        foreach(function (stream, file) {
            return gulp.src(file.path)
                .pipe(debug({ title: "Disabling " }))
                .pipe(rename(function (path) {
                    path.extname = ".config.disabled"
                .pipe(debug({ title: "Stream is now " }));

Running this task DOES rename the file to .config.disabled; however, it does it by copying the original file. Like this

config files

What am I doing wrong?


  • gulp-rename doesn't remove the src files. In order to do that, this is what I had to:

        var vinylPaths = require('vinyl-paths');
        var del = require("del");
        gulp.task("zzz_Remove-Useless-Files", function () {
            var files = [config.websiteRoot + "/App_config/ConnectionStrings.config", config.websiteRoot + "/App_config/RewriteRules.config"];
            return gulp.src(files).pipe(
                foreach(function (stream, file) {
                    return gulp.src(file.path)
                        .pipe(debug({ title: "Disabling " }))
                        .pipe(rename(function (path) {
                            path.extname = ".config.disabled"
                        .pipe(debug({ title: "Stream is now " }))