Even after playing with Google's APIs Explorer for many hours I can't figure it out. I want to add a single field using HTTPS requests provided the document path.
Example of my PATCH function (this one works)
private void PATCHRequest(String document_path, String theData) throws IOException, JSONException {
// Build URL
String FirestoreURL = REST_HEADER + "projects/" + PROJECT_ID + "/databases/(default)/documents/" + document_path;
// Create URL
URL cloudFirestoreEndPoint = new URL(FirestoreURL);
// Create connection
myHttpsConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) cloudFirestoreEndPoint.openConnection();
// Set Writable
// Set Request Method
// Set Https Connection properties
myHttpsConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
// Generate JSON from the data
JSONObject myJSON = getJSONfromString(theData);
if(myJSON != null){
// Create output stream linked to our https connection
OutputStreamWriter streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(myHttpsConnection.getOutputStream());
// Write to buffer
// Send out the buffer
// Close the stream
Other Example my DELETE function,
private void DELETERequest(String document_path) throws IOException {
// Build URL
String FirestoreURL = REST_HEADER + "projects/" + PROJECT_ID + "/databases/(default)/documents/" + document_path;
// Create URL
URL cloudFirestoreEndPoint = new URL(FirestoreURL);
// Create connection
myHttpsConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) cloudFirestoreEndPoint.openConnection();
// Set Writable
// Set Request Method
// Send the command
// Result
myResult_ = "deleted";
Based on this format does anybody know how to add a single field with a value?
I needed to use the updateMask field,
if(fieldMasks_ != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < fieldMasks_.size(); ++i) {