Is it possible to have parameter for a test case like:
func testExample1(term: String) {
XCTContext.runActivity(named: "Search for \(term)") { activity in
// Enter text in the search field
let textField = XCUIApplication().otherElements.containing(.button, identifier:"Button").children(matching: .textField).element
As soon as I change my test case to get parameter, the XCUItest change it from test case to class function.
I need to do the following call (or something like that):
xcodebuild test -project MyLib.xcodeproj -scheme MyAppUITests -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=11.3,name=iPhone 5s' -only-testing:MyAppUITests/MyAppUITests/testExample1("toto")|xcpretty --test --color
Sadly, XCTest has no support for parameterized testing.
(Will that change at this year's WWDC? I keep hoping, every year…)