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Yajra No available engine for App\User

I've made for my cms admins role now i have 2 admin roles super admin and normal admin i have a page that manage users both super admin and normal admin can see it but with different data

here's the controller code

  public function index()
        return view('admin.users.index');   

    public function usersList(){
        $super_admin_role = Role::where('name','super_admin')->first();

            $data = User::all();
            // Admin can get all users except super admin
            $super_admin = DB::table('role_user')->where('role_id',$super_admin_role->id)->first();
            $data = User::where('id','!=',$super_admin->user_id)->first();

        return DataTables::of($data)->make(true);

    // This function check if the super_admin roles exist or not
    public function super_admin_role_check(){

        $user = Auth::guard()->user();

        $super_admin_role = Role::where('name','super_admin')->first();



            // if there's no role factory create super_admin role and assign it to the super admin user
            $super_admin_role = Role::where('name','super_admin')->first();


            $permissions = Permission::all();

            // here i give all permissions to the super admin
            foreach($permissions as $permission){

        return $super_admin_role;

    // This Function Check if the user is super admin?
    public function isSuperAdmin(){
        $user = Auth::guard()->user();
        $super_admin_role = Role::where('name','super_admin')->first();
        $is_super_admin = DB::table('role_user')->where('user_id',$user->id)->where('role_id',$super_admin_role->id)->first();
        return $is_super_admin;

The problem is that when i'm login as super admin everythings goes well but when i'm login as normal admin i get error "No available engine for App\User" in \vendor\yajra\laravel-datatables-oracle\src\DataTables.php any help please?


  • with this? $data = User::where('id','!=',$super_admin->user_id)->get();