My application contains 3 modules
The Component AppHeader ( header of the website ) needs to be used in 3 modules aforementioned.
Right now, it is only being used in AppModule. When I needed to make "AppHeader" work in second module AdminModule I didn't really have time to commit to actually learn how to use one Component in different Modules, so what I have done is just copy pasted the "AppHeader" and renamed it to "AdminHeader" and then imported it to AdminModule to create so-called "workaround".
At that time I didn't really have the "XLModule".
Now I wanna make "AppHeader" used in all 3 modules and I really wanna get rid of that copypasted "AdminHeader".
So, right now in my app.module I have included the "AppHeader"
import { AppHeaderComponent} from './components';
const APP_COMPONENTS = [ AppHeaderComponent]
in my NgModule I have
imports: [
.... bunch of imports here nothing related to AppHeader and 2 other modules of the applications are also not imported
in my declarations :
in my exports :
When ever I try to import "AppHeader" to any of 2 other modules, I do get an error that "AppHeader" is used by 2 modules.
Where do I go from here? What did I miss in AppModule that needs to be imported or exported? And, what should be imported in 2 other Modules as well to make this "AppHeader" work in all 3 of them without actually making duplicate components.
what i do in my projects for components like this is that i create a SharedModule(or whatever name you want for it) and add any component i want to use in multi places to this module and then you can import this module in any module you want to use that component .
this is SharedModule:
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {HeaderComponent} from "./header.component/header.component";
imports: [
declarations: [
exports: [
providers: [
export class SharedModule {
and this will be the module i want to use component in :
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {SharedModule} from '../_shared.module/shared.module';
imports: [
declarations: [
providers: [
export class ModuleIWantToUseComponentIn {