The following code runs in the ItemClickEx event of a firemonkey ListView. I want to know how to do this in C++.
procedure TfrmCategory.lstListCategoryItemClickEx(const Sender: TObject;
ItemIndex: Integer; const LocalClickPos: TPointF;
const ItemObject: TListItemObject);
if ItemObject is TListItemAccessory then
ShowMessage('Acessory clicked');
Source: link here.
I don't know how to do the "if ItemObject is TListItemAccessory" in c++.
The C++ equivalent to Delphi's is
operator is dynamic_cast
, eg:
void __fastcall TfrmCategory::lstListCategoryItemClickEx(const TObject *Sender,
int ItemIndex, const TPointF &LocalClickPos, const TListItemObject* ItemObject)
if (dynamic_cast<const TListItemAccessory*>(ItemObject))
ShowMessage(L"Acessory clicked");