I'm writing an Angular 5 app at the moment where I need to use a FormBuilder array for one of the properties. I have one property which states how many controls should be in the array but can't find any resources on how to create a FormBuilder array with that many controls.
The form looks something like this:
this.Form = this.fb.group({
noOfControls: null, //
controls: <-- fb.array
What would be the best way to go about doing this?
you should create a observable that listen the to the noOfControls values, inside this observable you should call a method that add or remove controls to your formArray based on the length of your current control
let say this is your form
this.Form = this.fb.group({
noOfControls: this.fb.control(null,[]),
controls: this.fb.array([])
to listen the changes of your control you can use
to handle in a easy way your controls inside the array you can create a method that return the control as array
get control() {
return this.form.get('controls') as FormArray
inside the subscription you should have some kind of logic that analyze every time that the number change the length of your control array
if(this.control.length > num) {
... remove one control array item
if(this.control.length < num) {
... add the differences in the number of control items
to remove the last element you can use the removeAt(index: number)
method from the FormArray class
to add a new form control you can use push(control: AbstractControl)
let me know if you need more help