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NestedScrollView setOnScrollChangeListener api 21

Hello folks I'm trying to handle an onScrolled event in my recyclerView, that's inside a NestedScrollView.

So far, I have found setOnScrollChangeListener, however this method is API 23, and I'm targeting API 21, any idea to handle this issue back in API 21?


  • After some time I got an idea, I've stopped listening to scroll on RecyclerView and started listening to NestedScrollView onScroll event.

    I managed to make my loadOnDemand recyclerView using this snippet

                NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener {
                                    _, scrollX, scrollY, _, oldScrollY ->
            if(scrollY > oldScrollY){
                val totalItens = timelineAdapter.itemCount
                val currentView = rv_timeline.findChildViewUnder(scrollX.toFloat(), scrollY.toFloat())
                val childPosition = rv_timeline.getChildAdapterPosition(currentView)
                if((totalItens/2) - (stepSize/2) <= childPosition && !isLoading){
                    isLoading = true
                                              //skip , take
                    timelinePresenter.loadMore(totalItens, 5)

    isLoading is a class property that I change to false when my callback returns from server