I have done a survey with qualtrics that used skip logic. So question B and C where skipped for everyone who picked C for question A.
Now my data in SPSS for these skipped questions have missing value's (of course) I added missing value labels to the ones that where displayed the question and did not or only partially answered the question. So far so good. But everyone who did not get the question displayed is also a missing value '.'
. So if I do a frequency table and 250 persons where displayed the question and answered including the ones that I labeled missing. But the table keeps including everyone who filled in the survey, even if they did not get the questions displayed due to skip logic.
So as an example; Question A is answered by 400 people, 250 picked C and where able to continue with question B and C. While the other 150 skipped question B and C.
How can I label the 150 people who skipped question B and C on purpose, while also define missing value for the people who where able to fill in question B and C but did not or did partially. In the frequency table I only want the amount of people who where able to fill in these specific questions.
For a single frequency table you can use:
select if questionA<>"C".
frequencies questionB questionC.
If you want to run some more analyses, you can use filter
compute f=(questionA<>"C").
filter by f.
frequencies questionB.
means questionC.
*other analyses.
filter off.
If you want to completely get rid of the rows where questions B and C were skipped, you can run:
select if questionA<>"C".
Please note, though, this will delete those rows from your dataset. If you save the data after running select
, there's no going back. So use it carefully and keep a backup of your data first.