I used Pear to install PHP CodeSniffer, and something went terribly wrong. It seems like most of the files weren't copied over. Perhaps I should have installed it with root privileges. It doesn't work, it's a mess, and I want to uninstall it and reinstall it, but I don't know how to uninstall it and I can't find any information about this. The Pear script is long and complicated. I tried:
pear uninstall PHP_CodeSniffer-3.2.3
It says that it's not installed.
But when I try to reinstall over the existing installation, it says I can't because it's already installed.
I found the answer. I'm posting it despite the -1 score I got for my question - up from -2. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had this problem, and it took hours of searching to find the solution. I'm not a pear expert. I only just installed it to use PHP_CodeSniffer.
The pear uninstall command didn't work because the cache needed to be cleared. These commands worked, when logged in as root. I then reinstalled as root.
pear clear-cache
pear uninstall PHP_CodeSniffer