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How to append another attribute to collection_select?

I am trying to add a boolean attribute (third_party) to my current collection_select that currently just shows name:

<div class='form-group'>
  <%= f.label :project_component_id, class: "form-label" %>
  <%= f.collection_select :project_component_id, issue.project.project_components.order("LOWER(name)"), :id, :name, {include_blank:true}, class: "form-control input-sm" %>

How would I append third_party so that each select option is shown as "name(third_party)"?



  • You can create an instance method in your model which interpolates the attribute you need with the extra text and pass it as the fourth option to your collection_select helper:

    I assume is called ProjectComponent, so:

    class ProjectComponent < ApplicationRecord
    def name_with_thirdparty

    So in your view:

    <%= f.collection_select(
          { include_blank: true },
          class: 'form-control input-sm') %>