I'm using Rmarkdown to produce beautiful documents (like with LaTex), but there is a problem I can't solve.
I'm printing graph in the following way:
```{r p(s|r)}
pleft=function(x, p=0.5){dnorm(x, mean=35, sd = 10)*p/(dnorm(x, mean=35, sd
= 10)*p+dnorm(x, mean=65, sd = 10)*(1-p))}
pright=function(x, p=0.5){dnorm(x, mean=65, sd = 10)*(1-p)/(dnorm(x,
mean=35, sd = 10)*p+dnorm(x, mean=65, sd = 10)*(1-p))}
pleft50= function(x){pleft(x, 0.5)}
pright50=function(x){pright(x, 0.5)}
curve(pleft50, from=-10, to=110, xlab="Firing Rate r (Hz)", ylab="p(s|r)",
col="red", lwd=2)
curve(pright50, from=-10, to=110, xlab="Firing Rate r (Hz)", ylab="p(s|r)",
col="blue", lwd=2, add=TRUE)
legend("right", legend = c("p(Left|r)","p(Right|r)"), col=c('red', 'blue'),
lwd = 2)
This has worked in the same way in every precedent code chunk and document, but now it raises this error when I knit the document:
Error in png(..., res = dpi, units = "in") : unable to start png() device Calls: ... in_dir -> plot2dev -> do.call -> -> png In addition: Warning messages: 1: In png(..., res = dpi, units = "in") : unable to open file 'ExSheet4_files/figure-html/name of my chunk-1.png' for writing 2: In png(..., res = dpi, units = "in") : opening device failed
I've tried a anything I know, it raise it as soon as curve(pleft50,...
is called.
Thank you for your answer and sorry for my english !
It doesn't like the p(s|r)
in the first line -- it's trying to create a file for writing and it's failing there. If you remove it, e.g.:
title: "Untitled"
date: "April 14, 2018"
html_document: default
word_document: default
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
pleft=function(x, p=0.5){dnorm(x, mean=35, sd = 10)*p/(dnorm(x, mean=35, sd
= 10)*p+dnorm(x, mean=65, sd = 10)*(1-p))}
pright=function(x, p=0.5){dnorm(x, mean=65, sd = 10)*(1-p)/(dnorm(x,
mean=35, sd = 10)*p+dnorm(x, mean=65, sd = 10)*(1-p))}
pleft50= function(x){pleft(x, 0.5)}
pright50=function(x){pright(x, 0.5)}
curve(pleft50, from=-10, to=110, xlab="Firing Rate r (Hz)", ylab="p(s|r)",
col="red", lwd=2)
curve(pright50, from=-10, to=110, xlab="Firing Rate r (Hz)", ylab="p(s|r)",
col="blue", lwd=2, add=TRUE)
legend("right", legend = c("p(Left|r)","p(Right|r)"), col=c('red', 'blue'),
lwd = 2)
You get this: