I am using RoomDb to store the messages in the device using room database. Each Message contain a unique Id which is generated when storing message on a server. When a message is downloaded and stored in a Room database and again if I try to download the message it again gets downloaded and saved to room db.
I tried using replace strategy, but still it doesnt works
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
void saveMessage(ArrayList<Message> messages);
The above code is supposed to replace the existing message, but its not doing so.
Message model looks like this.
public class Message {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long _id;
@ColumnInfo(name = "messageId")
public String id;
public boolean outbox;
public boolean pending;
public boolean draft;
@ColumnInfo(typeAffinity = ColumnInfo.BLOB)
public byte[] thumbnail;
public boolean downloaded;
public boolean seen;
public boolean liked;
public boolean disliked;
public String path; // Local attachment path
public String localFilePath; //Local attachment file path
public String title;
public String body;
public String type;
public String image;
public String file;
public String audio;
public String video;
you have to change your Entity class like this
In Java
@Entity(tableName = "chat_message_table", indices = @Index(value = {"messageId"}, unique = true))
public class Message {
In Kotlin
@Entity(tableName = "chat_message_table", indices = [Index(value = ["messageId"], unique = true)])
data class Message(@ColumnInfo(name = "messageId") val messageId: String) {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var _Id: Int = 0