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Once again including library and Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2013 and Error LNK2001. I tried to linking Zbar Library - I have downloaded, instaled and linked this library

I tried to run this simple program:

#include "zbar.h"  

using namespace zbar;
int main()

  ImageScanner scanner;
  return 0;

I can compile this, but can't build it. I can see this:

Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol zbar_image_scanner_destroy C:\Users\n\Documents\nn\ZBar_detektor\Opencv_projekt\main.obj Opencv_projekt

Error 2 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol zbar_image_scanner_create C:\Users\n\Documents\nn\ZBar_detektor\Opencv_projekt\main.obj Opencv_projekt

I know that except include directory, I have to link lib files

I did it this way: enter image description here

Except that, I copy everything from /bin directory, and paste it to /Windows/System

In some cases, in the past this operation helped, but not this time - still can see Error LNK2001

Any clues or advices? Help please

Best regards, Fidor


  • In general: Thanks you! Zbar include sample VS project, but it required strange additional libraries. But that gave me a solution: Problem was, that my project was x64, and zbar are x32, and need kernel32.dll. When I changed my project configuration ewerything started work