I want to make a subtraction loop. I am tasked with finding out the number of $100 bills in a sum. For example, user enters $950. There is 9 one hundred dollar bills in that. What I first did was store the user input in date register 1, and compare it to 100.
cmpi.w #100,D1
I want to basically do "if D1 is less than 100, subtract another 100". How can I achieve this loop? I would like to use the branch greater than and less than instructions but am not sure how.
The normal algorithm would be to divide by 100. The M68K DIVU
instructions provide the result and the remainder at the same time:
MOVE #950,D1
DIVU #100,D1
Will leave 0x00320009
in the D1 register, i.e., 0x9 (9) as the result and 0x32 (50) as the remainder.
If you really want a loop, take a look at the following code (assembles and runs on EASy68K (http://www.easy68k.com/)). This is very standard assembly code, and loops on other architectures look very similar. (In fact, this is the first time I've ever written M68K assembly code.)
MOVE #950,D1
CMP #100,D1
BPL OverEqual100
BRA Under100
SUB #100,D1
ADD #1,D0
BRA Loop
(Also see the comments attached to this answer.)