I have a dynamic editable template with design dialog at page component. The design properties are persisted under /conf/myapp/settings/wcm/policies/myapp like this:
My requirement is to read these page level design properties and use them inside an Image component. I have design dialog at component level as well. So when I do ${currentStyle.property}, it renders the component level design property.
Next I wrote a helper class like this:
Designer designer = currentPage.getContentResource().getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Designer.class);
Design pageDesign = designer.getDesign(currentPage);
Style pageStyle = pageDesign.getStyle(pageDesign.getPath());
return pageStyle.get(PROPERTY_ANALYTICSPAGETYPE, String.class);
This code is trying to read page level design properties under /etc/designs/myapp authored under cq:designPath and NOT reading under /conf policies. Now how I read the /conf policy nodes and access those properties?
How to access page level design properties within a component?
This should give you the desired result :
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = this.request.getResourceResolver();
ContentPolicyManager policyManager = (ContentPolicyManager)resourceResolver.adaptTo(ContentPolicyManager.class);
if (policyManager != null)
ContentPolicy contentPolicy = policyManager.getPolicy(this.resource);
if (contentPolicy != null) {
this.myProperty = ((Boolean)contentPolicy.getProperties().get("myProperty", Boolean.valueOf(false))).booleanValue();