In an Express
-based app, I'm running an async function to fetch image source from a database and render them into a Nunjucks
view engine
Nunjucks is rendering the following in the DOM
<img src="[object Promise]">
I have already enabled Nunjucks's async rendering with web: { async: true }
and enabled the nunjucks async api with a callback like so
// controller.js (KeystoneJS app)
view.render('index', function (err, res) {
console.log('err at index render', err); // undefined
return res;
How can i get the resolved value of my async function?
As I understand it, Nunjucks doesn't support asynchronous render directly. You can use asynchronous filters to get it. Maybe I'm wrong.
Imho, use feature with Be Careful!
mark is a not good idea.
// template.njk
Hello {{user_id | find | attr('name') }}!
// app.js
var nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
var env = nunjucks.configure();
// Async filter
env.addFilter('find', function(a, cb) {
setTimeout(function () {
cb(null, {
name: 'Smith'
}, 10);
}, true)
// Sync filter
env.addFilter('attr', function(obj, attr) {
return obj && attr && obj[attr];
{user_id: 1}, // pass sync vars
function(err, res) {
if (err)
return res