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Naudio: how to properly remove 1 out of several sounds played by an AsioOut without stopping all other sounds?

I am using AsioOut because need to minimize latency as much as possible. Since I can only run 1 AsioOut at a time, I am using a MixingWaveProvider32 to play back multiple sounds at the same time. The problem I am running into is that I don't know how to properly remove 1 sound without pausing all the others.

I can easily add a new IWaveProvider (AudioFileReader in my case) to the MixingWaveProvider32 by simply adding it as an input stream, but if I try to remove it the same way the audio starts glitching (I think it's looping the last available buffer). I can prevent this by stopping the AsioOut before swapping the sound, but this brings 2 problems:

  1. all other sounds also get stopped
  2. if the sound I am trying to remove already finished on it's own then I get softlocked on AsioOut.Stop() (the method never finishes).

How do I properly remove 1 sound without running into these problems?


  • I found a solution myself: By running all sounds through a WaveChannel32 before putting them in the MixingWaveProvider32 I can add and remove the sounds at any time without stopping the AsioOut without getting any audio glitches.