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Adapting psalm output to Neomake

I'm trying to come up with the correct errorformat to pass to Neomake, for handling output from psalm (

Example output:

|| ERROR: UndefinedClass - application/libraries/PluginManager/PluginBase.php:58:13 - Class or interface LimeSurvey\PluginManager\XML does not exist

(The double bars are only visible in the :lopen list, not in the console. Not sure why.)

Errorformat I've tried:

||\ ERROR:\ %m\ -\ %f:%l:%c

Not sure what I'm missing. Grateful for any tips or links or whatever.


  • Solved with

    'errorformat': '%tRROR:\ %s\ \\-\ %f:%l:%c\ \\-\ %m,%tNFO:\ %s\ \\-\ %f:%l:%c\ \\-\ %m',