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Match multiple keys values to database entry in TinyDB?

I am having a hard time finding out if I can check multiple key values at once with TinyDB. Currently I can check multiple fields by using and in an if statement like this:

def check_table(FNAME="NULL", LNAME="NULL", MNAME="NULL"):
    if ( == FNAME)) != [] \
    and ( == MNAME)) != [] \
    and ( == LNAME)) != []:
        print( == FNAME)[0])
        print("user does not exist")

check_table(FNAME="Some", MNAME="Random", LNAME="Person")

It does what I want however it seams bulky. I am hoping there is something built into TinyDB that can perform the same function without the need for many and statements.

I am trying to do something akin to:"FNAME", "MNAME", "LNAME")) == (FNAME, MNAME, LNAME)))


  1. Is anyone aware of a way to Query() the table for multiple key values instead of just one at a time?

  2. Can you list a link to this information? I have had a hard time locating this bit of info if it exist.

Here is a simple version of what I am ding with TinyDB:

from tinydb import TinyDB, Query

#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< CURRENT DBPATH >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
DB = TinyDB('./DB_PATH/HHK_DB.json')
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< CURRENT TABLES >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HHK_STAFF.insert({'EMPLOYEE_ID':'00000001', 'FNAME': 'Some', 'LNAME':'Person', 'MNAME':'Random'})

def check_table(FNAME="NULL", LNAME="NULL", MNAME="NULL"):
    if ( == FNAME)) != [] \
    and ( == MNAME)) != [] \
    and ( == LNAME)) != []:
        print( == FNAME)[0])
        print("user does not exist")

check_table(FNAME="Some", MNAME="Random", LNAME="Person")


{'EMPLOYEE_ID': '00000001', 'FNAME': 'Some', 'LNAME': 'Person', 'MNAME': 'Random'}


  • According to Advanced Usage — TinyDB 3.8.1.post1 documentation, a logical AND would look like this:

    q = Query() == FNAME) & (q.MNAME == MNAME) & (q.LNAME == LNAME))

    According to git blame of tinydb/, it's been available always, since the very first release.