I have a products
table in SQL Server like this:
ID ItemCode ProductName
------ ------------ -----------------
1 8680972060039 test product
2 123457 coffee
3 123458 tea
and I have a price
table for these products like this:
PriceListLineID ItemCode Price PriceGroupCode LastUpdatedDate
------------------------------------ -------------- --------- -------------- ------------------------
D7B4F7A5-3CEF-4FFB-B90A-A81700D6CCE8 8680972060039 79,00 B2C 2017-10-25 15:44:30.640
3456748E-FA54-4683-83E7-A81700D6CC40 8680972060039 75,00 B2B 2017-10-25 15:44:30.117
CF03A676-4276-432B-BA7B-A76A0128D9B6 8680972060039 124,00 B2C 2017-05-05 20:47:05.197
5257C168-365A-475E-B2FD-A76A0128D8EF 8680972060039 118,00 B2B 2017-05-05 20:47:04.630
I want to show last updated both b2c and b2b prices near with product details like
ItemCode ProductName B2BPrice B2CPrice
------------ ------------- --------- -----------
8680972060039 test product 79,00 75,00
I use one inner join to get prices but i can not get second price with it how can i do it ?
This is the SQL code I use:
Products.ItemCode, Products.ProductName, Prices.Price
inner join
Prices with(nolock) on Prices.ItemCode = Products.ItemCode
and Prices.PriceGroupCode = 'B2B'
and Prices.Price is not null
order by
Prices.LastUpdated desc
Can you please try the query below, I think top 1
trick will help:
select Products.ItemCode, Products.ProductName,
B2BPrice = (Select top 1 p.Price from Prices p where p.ItemCode = Products.ItemCode and p.PriceGroupCode='B2B' order by LastUpdatedDate desc),
B2CPrice = (Select top 1 p.Price from Prices p where p.ItemCode = Products.ItemCode and p.PriceGroupCode='B2C' order by LastUpdatedDate desc)
from Products WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN Prices with(nolock) on Prices.ItemCode = Products.ItemCode