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PromiseKit 6.0 passing catched errors to caller

According to migration guide PromiseKit 6.x changed his policy about catch blocks. In PMK 4 catch returned the promise it was attached to. Now catch is a chain- terminator. I understand why these changes were made but...

In my codebase (connected with PK4) I take some advantages from that catch returns promise.

func loginAndSync(withServerAddress address: String, port: String) -> Promise<()> {

    return address, andPort: port)
            .then {
            .then {
            .catch { error in
                _ = self.authorizationService.markAsServerUnsynced()

In this function I make some logic which is in some cases failable. In case of error catch block should make some logic but I want to also send to loginAndSync function`s caller a result of this promise (fulfill or reject). Above function can be called for example by ViewController and in ViewController I want to show for example Error or Success Dialog.

This is a reason where I need a two catches for one Promise-chain. One for authorizationService and one for UI.

Is there any workaround in PromiseKit6 to achieve this?


I found two solutions (workarounds). I have created two answers to separate them. Future readers can decide which one is better or provide new one.


  • I found (IMO) better workaround. PromiseKit6 introduces very handy method tap. I have tried use it to resolve my problem.

    func loginAndSync(withServerAddress address: String, port: String) -> Promise<()> {
        return address, andPort: port)
            .then {
            .then {
            .tap { result in
                switch result {
                case .rejected(let error):
                    _ = self.authorizationService.markAsServerUnsynced()
                default: break
            .done {

    For doc:

    tap feeds you the current Result for the chain, so is called if the chain is succeeding or if it is failing

    So I can provide custom error handling for current state of Promise whit terminating the chain. Promise can be send to sender where I can do another tap or terminate chain by catch.