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How to make cascading dropdown in a Angular Reactive Formarray work without messing the dropdown value

I have a form in angular 4 that containing First Name + Last Name and a formarray containing 2 dropdown(select) working as cascading dropdown and a delete button. The rest of the form also contains a send button and a add option button. I added a screenshot down here for you to understand better. The forms add , remove button and send button works there is 1 problem the cascading dropdown works only when there is 1 cascading dropdown ,when I add an extra cascading select the value from previous groups of cascading select second select get messed up. I added pics down here for a better explantion

enter image description here

As you can see on the 2nd and the 3rd picture the cascadingdropdown is working When I change select in Criteria I fet the right options to select in the 2nd dropdown enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

On the 4th picture 5th Ppicture and 6th Picture you can see the add options button works but when I select a Criteria in Option 2 first dropdown it messed up with Option 1 2nd Dropwown also now it contains the dropdown choices from the 2nd Option

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here is my html code

<form [formGroup] = "profileForm">

  <h1>Profile Form</h1>

  <label for = "first-name-input">First Name</label>
  <input type="text" id="first-name-input" formControlName ="firstNameInput">
    <label for = "last-name-input">Last Name</label>
    <input type="text" id="last-name-input" formControlName ="lastNameInput">

  <div formArrayName="optionGroups">

    <div *ngFor="let optionGroup of profileForm.controls['optionGroups'].controls;  let i=index "[formGroup]="optionGroup">

      <h4>Option {{ i + 1 }} </h4>

      <label for = "select-input">Criteria</label>
      <select id="select-input" (change)="onSelectSelect($, i)"  formControlName ="selectInput">

          <option value="0" disabled selected>Select a Criteria</option>
          <option *ngFor="let select of selects"  [value]= "">{{}}</option>


        <label for = "where-input">Option</label>
        <select id="where-input" formControlName ="whereInput">
            <option value="0" disabled selected>Select a Option</option>
            <option *ngFor="let where of wheres" value= {{}}>{{}}</option>


          <button type ="button" (click)="removeOptionGroup(i)">X</button>




   <button type ="button" (click)="addOptionGroup()">Add Options</button>

    <button type ="button" (click)="saveProfileForm()">Send </button>




And here is my component file

export class PowComponent {

 selects: Select[];
 wheres: Where[];

 public profileForm : FormGroup;

 public addOptionGroup(){

 const fa = this.profileForm.controls["optionGroups"] as FormArray;



  public removeOptionGroup(index: number){

   const fa = this.profileForm.controls["optionGroups"] as FormArray;



   public saveProfileForm(){


   constructor(public router: Router,  public dropdownqueryservice:    DropDownQueryService , private fb : FormBuilder) {
    this.profileForm ={

        firstNameInput : [ "" ],
        lastNameInput : [ "" ],
        optionGroups : this.fb.array([

              selectInput : [ "" ],
              whereInput : [ "" ],


    this.selects = this.dropdownqueryservice.getSelect();


onSelectSelect(selectid, i) {
    this.wheres = this.dropdownqueryservice.getWhere().filter((item)=> item.selectid == selectid);


 private newOptionGroup() {
  return new FormGroup({

      selectInput: new FormControl(""),
      whereInput: new FormControl(""),




  • As I mentionned previously on the comment, the issue is comming from the unique selects array for multiple select forms.

    You will have to create an array of arrays of Select, that contains an array of possible criteria for each select value.

    Here is a stackblitz solution suggestion, I did some modification to keep it simple and to make it work. Feel free to fork and edit if you want to get more explicit about your concern.