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Modify VHDL generic value with ghdl in cocotb

I managed to read generic module value with cocotb without problem. But if I can't manage to write it.

My VHDL generic is :

generic (
    C_M00_AXI_BURST_LEN : integer   := 16;

I can read it in cocotb:"C_M00_AXI_BURST_LEN 0x{:x}".format(

But if I try to change it :

self.dut.c_m00_axi_burst_len = 32

I get this python error :

  Send raised exception: Not permissible to set values on object c_m00_axi_burst_len
File "/opt/cocotb/cocotb/", line 197, in send
  return self._coro.send(value)
File "/usr/local/projects/axi_pattern_tester/vivado_ip/axi_pattern_tester_1.0/cocotb/", line 165, in axi4_master_test
File "/usr/local/projects/axi_pattern_tester/vivado_ip/axi_pattern_tester_1.0/cocotb/", line 86, in print_master_generics
  self.dut.c_m00_axi_burst_len = 32
File "/opt/cocotb/cocotb/", line 239, in __setattr__
  return getattr(self, name)._setcachedvalue(value)
File "/opt/cocotb/cocotb/", line 378, in _setcachedvalue
  raise TypeError("Not permissible to set values on object %s" % (self._name))

Is there a way to do it using GHDL as simulator ?


  • In fact, user1155120, Paebbels and scary_jeff respond to the question : It's not possible.

    But it's possible to use configuration differently to solve this problem. VHDL Generic value can be configured in Makefile adding "-g" option to SIM_ARGS parameter :


    This value can then be read under cocotb "dut" object like any others signal and used as simulation parameter :

    C_M00_AXI_BURST_LEN = int(dut.C_M00_AXI_BURST_LEN.value)