My dataset is like this:
Let me explain my data frame. I have two column named "timeStamp" and "label"."label" column contains the unique number of values occurred with respect to "timeStamp" column.
I am able to find the number of occurrences of unique variables in label column throughout the entire time using aggregate and count function available in R.
But now I want to count the number of occurrences of unique variables in label column with respect to timestamp by an interval of 2 minutes.
To be precise, this is what I am looking for in my output:
You can find the data frame here using dput in R.
x <- data.frame(timeStamp = c("20:12:14","20:12:14","20:13:02","20:13:02","20:13:55","20:13:55","20:14:14","20:14:14","20:14:25","20:14:26","20:14:26","20:14:26","20:15:26","20:15:28","20:15:36","20:15:37","20:16:41","20:16:49","20:17:20","20:17:21"), label = c("003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","001_T09_Submit Payment","001_T09_Submit Payment","001_T09_Submit Payment","001_T09_Submit Payment","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login"
Here is a tidyverse
# Create 2 min breakpoints by which we group times
hm <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%H:%M")
breaks <- seq(min(hm(x$timeStamp)), max(hm(x$timeStamp)) + 120, by = '2 min');
x %>%
timeStamp = cut(hm(timeStamp), breaks = breaks)) %>%
count(timeStamp, label) %>%
spread(label, n)
## A tibble: 3 x 4
# timeStamp `001_T09_Submit Pa… `002_T05_SearchPat… `003_T04_Ward Lo…
# <fct> <int> <int> <int>
#1 2018-04-13 20:12:00 NA 2 4
#2 2018-04-13 20:14:00 4 4 2
#3 2018-04-13 20:16:00 NA 2 2
Explanation: We create 2 min breakpoints by which we cut
the hour+minute component of timeStamp
; then count
by 2 min-grouped times and label, and spread from long to wide.
x <- data.frame(
timeStamp = c("20:12:14","20:12:14","20:13:02","20:13:02","20:13:55","20:13:55","20:14:14","20:14:14","20:14:25","20:14:26","20:14:26","20:14:26","20:15:26","20:15:28","20:15:36","20:15:37","20:16:41","20:16:49","20:17:20","20:17:21"),
label = c("003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","001_T09_Submit Payment","001_T09_Submit Payment","001_T09_Submit Payment","001_T09_Submit Payment","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login","002_T05_SearchPatient","002_T05_SearchPatient","003_T04_Ward Login","003_T04_Ward Login" ))