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How Django verifies CSRF?

According to my understanding, the way Django verifies CSRF is by comparing the

request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '') | request.META.get(settings.CSRF_HEADER_NAME, '') == request.session.get(CSRF_SESSION_KEY) | request.COOKIES[settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME]


Now the way, these 2 tokens (one from LHS and one from RHS) are compared is by the deciphering using following function


The 2 tokens being compared, are different, but are deciphered to the same "secret".

My question is shouldn't Django ensure that they are different ? Whats the purpose of using the 2 different tokens(and the overhead of deciphering them),if not ensuring they are different ?


  • I think the questioner has few different doubts

    1. Why is the token set in the cookie

      This is explained in jd.'s and Mike DeSimone's answers.

      In short to support AJAX posting and avoid any server side state storage

    2. Why is the tokens salted ? This is explained in Jacques Gaudin's answer

      In short to prevent BREACH attack

    3. Why can't we use a single salted token in both the form and cookie ?

      I think that's because if we use the same salted token, then we'll need to store the secret (unsalted token) in the server side.