I am trying to assign "Reader and Data Access" role to my service principal in Azure however it's throwing an error
I don't see this role listed on MSDN but visible on azure portal
-RoleDefinitionName 'Reader and Data Access' `
-ServicePrincipalName $app.ApplicationId`
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment : The filter 'roleName eq 'Reader and Data Access'' is not supported. Supported filters are either roleName eq '{value}' or type eq 'BuiltInRole|CustomRole'
However I can see and assign this role from Azure UI console.
I test in my lab, I get same error log with you. I solve this issue by using -RoleDefinitionId
not -RoleDefinitionName
. The following script works for me.
$a=$value |where {$_.Name -eq "Reader and Data Access"}
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ObjectId $app.ObjectId -Scope /subscriptions/$subscriptionID -RoleDefinitionId $a.Id