How can we write an alfred workflow to open a file from finder to a vim editor?
This is my first attempt to create a workflow in Alfred. I am still learning and wanted to start with a simple workflow.
Here, I first created Hotkey and Keyword.
Open the Alfred3
Go to Workflows
Click + sign at the bottom left sidebar
Choose Blak Workflow
Name: Vim Launcher
Description: Opens a file in the terminal inside vim editor
1. Right-click > Trigger > press cmd-alt-v
2. Right-click > Inputs > Keyword > open in vim and title also open in vim
3. Right-click > Actions > Run NSAppleScipt
The copy and paste following contents inside Run NSAppleScipt
on alfred_script(q)
tell application "Terminal"
do script "vim '" & q & "'"
end tell
end alfred_script
This workflow works but opens two terminals instead of one. How can we fix this make so that it opens only one window?
You want a Terminal Command action.
Just connect this object to your triggers and use vim "{query}"
on it.
I'm editing the answer to reply a comment asking a follow-up question:
The workflow now create new termnial for each file, can we make it open in the same terminal if a terminal is already running?
In this case the Run NSAppleScript
object could be used with the difference that we have to specify a location where do script
should run, since it always open a new window if no location is specified:
on alfred_script(q)
tell application "Terminal"
if not (exists window 1) then reopen
do script "vim '" & q & "'" in window 1
end tell
end alfred_script