I am trying to use exact=TRUE feature in glmnet. But I am getting an error message.
> fit = glmnet(as.matrix(((x_values))), (as.matrix(y_values)),penalty=variable.list$penalty)
> coef.exact = coef(fit, s = 0.03, exact = TRUE)
Error: used coef.glmnet() or predict.glmnet() with `exact=TRUE` so must in addition supply original argument(s) x and y and penalty.factor in order to safely rerun glmnet
How can I supply penalty.factor to coef.exact?
Options tried:-
> coef.exact = coef(as.matrix(((x_values))), (as.matrix(y_values)),penalty=variable.list$penalty, s = 0.03, exact = TRUE)
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
> coef.exact = coef((as.matrix(((x_values))), (as.matrix(y_values)),penalty=variable.list$penalty), s = 0.03, exact = TRUE)
Error: unexpected ',' in "coef.exact = coef((as.matrix(((x_values))),"
> coef.exact = coef((as.matrix(((x_values))) (as.matrix(y_values)) penalty=variable.list$penalty), s = 0.03, exact = TRUE)
Error: unexpected symbol in "coef.exact = coef((as.matrix(((x_values))) (as.matrix(y_values)) penalty"
> coef.exact = coef(fit(as.matrix(((x_values))), (as.matrix(y_values)),penalty=variable.list$penalty), s = 0.03, exact = TRUE)
Error in fit(as.matrix(((x_values))), (as.matrix(y_values)), penalty = variable.list$penalty) :
could not find function "fit"
> coef.exact = coef(glmnet(as.matrix(((x_values))), (as.matrix(y_values)),penalty=variable.list$penalty), s = 0.03, exact = TRUE)
Error: used coef.glmnet() or predict.glmnet() with `exact=TRUE` so must in addition supply original argument(s) x and y and penalty.factor in order to safely rerun glmnet
Here is an example using mtcars
as sample data. Note it's always advisable to provide a minimal & reproducible code example including sample data when posting on SO.
# Fit mpg ~ wt + disp
x <- as.matrix(mtcars[c("wt", "disp")]);
y <- mtcars[, "mpg"];
fit <- glmnet(x, y, penalty = 0.1);
# s is our regularisation parameter, and since we want exact results
# for s=0.035, we need to refit the model using the full data (x,y)
coef.exact <- coef(fit, s = 0.035, exact = TRUE, x = x, y = y, penalty.factor = 0.1);
#3 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
# 1
#(Intercept) 34.40289989
#wt -3.00225110
#disp -0.02016836
The reason why you explicitly need to provide x
and y
again is given in ?coef.glmnet
(also see @FelipeAlvarenga post).
So in your case, the following should work:
fit = glmnet(x = as.matrix(x_values), y = y_values, penalty=variable.list$penalty)
coef.exact = coef(
s = 0.03,
exact = TRUE,
x = as.matrix(x_values),
y = y_values,
penalty.factor = variable.list$penalty)
Perhaps the confusion arises from the difference between the model's overall regularisaton parameter (s
or lambda) and the penalty.factor
s that you can apply to every coefficient. The latter allows for differential regularisation of individual parameters, whereas s
controls the effect of overall L1/L2 regularisation.