I'm running a caddy server on a linode instance with debian installed. I'm using the caddy server to proxy to a hugo server. The hugo server works locally, but does not through the caddy server. It will load the content, but style.min.css
and the favicons won't load with an error like the following:
GET https://localhost:8081/css/style.min.css net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Any help getting this working would be great!
mycustomdomain.com {
root /home/sean/mycustomdomain.com
proxy / localhost:8081
tls {
dns linode
hugo command:
hugo server --disableLiveReload --port 8081
Figured it out, so answering for posterity:
To resolve this, utilize the http.hugo
plugin. The new Caddyfile
looks like so:
mycustomdomain.com {
root /hugo/site/dir/public
hugo /hugo/site/dir
tls {
dns linode