Basically, I am trying to output a report with the two data x0 and x1. I followed the Abaqus .rpy format and tried to rename the calculated variable, but it is giving me this error.
(The line number is different than the one provided in the code below.)
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
from caeModules import *
import random
import mesh
import time
import odbAccess
import visualization
session.XYDataFromHistory(name='U3 PI: PLATE-1 N: 40402 NSET RP-1', odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Spatial displacement: U3 PI: PLATE-1 Node 40402 in NSET RP',
steps=('compression', ), __linkedVpName__='Viewport: 1')
xy1 = session.xyDataObjects['U3 PI: PLATE-1 N: 40402 NSET RP-1']
xy2 = s+xy1
xy2.setValues(sourceDescription=' s + "U3 PI: PLATE-1 N: 40402 NSET RP-1"')
tmpName =
session.xyDataObjects.changeKey(tmpName, 'XYData-1')
x0=session.XYDataFromHistory(name='RF3 PI: PLATE-1 N: 40402 NSET RP-1', odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Reaction force: RF3 PI: PLATE-1 Node 40402 in NSET RP',
steps=('compression', ), __linkedVpName__='Viewport: 1')
x1 = session.xyDataObjects['XYData-1']
session.writeXYReport(fileName='Thickness_Estimation.rpt', xyData=(x0, x1), appendMode=OFF)
Kindly let me know how to overcome this issue.
Found an answer to this. I just needed to convert xy2
into an XY dataObject.
xy1 = session.xyDataObjects['U3 PI: PLATE-1 N: 40402 NSET RP-1']
for datapoint in
xy2Data.append([datapoint[0], datapoint[1]+s])
xQuantity = visualization.QuantityType(type=TIME)
yQuantity = visualization.QuantityType(type=DISPLACEMENT)
session.XYData(name='Distance', data=xy2Data,
sourceDescription='s+U3', axis1QuantityType=xQuantity,
axis2QuantityType=yQuantity, )
xy2 = session.xyDataObjects['Distance']
x0=session.XYDataFromHistory(name='RF3 PI: PLATE-1 N: 40402 NSET RP-1',
outputVariableName='Reaction force: RF3 PI: PLATE-1 Node 40402 in NSET RP',
steps=('compression', ), __linkedVpName__='Viewport: 1')
session.writeXYReport(fileName='Load_Caliper.rpt', xyData=(x0,xy2),