I created a code with TensorFlow and Julia to create a neural network.
I have this problem: My network works with a batch size of 1 and does not work when the batch size is greater...
Here is my code:
You can change the batch_size
beetween 1 and 10
ENV["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" # It is to use the gpu
using TensorFlow
using Distributions
sess = Session(Graph())
batch_size = 10 # For this example, 0 < batch_size < 11
num_pixels = 64
# Data base: 10 arrays, the first array is fill with 1, the second with 2 etc...
arrays = zeros(Float32,10,num_pixels,num_pixels)
arrays_2 = zeros(Float32,10)
for i in 1:10
for j in 1:num_pixels
for k in 1:num_pixels
arrays[i,j,k] = i
for i in 1:10
arrays_2[i] = i
# inputs
x = placeholder(Float32, shape= [batch_size, 1, 1, 1])
y = placeholder(Float32)
# Function to create a batch
function create_batch(batch_size)
x = zeros(Float32, batch_size,num_pixels, num_pixels)
y = zeros(Float32, batch_size)
for i in 1:batch_size
x[i, : ,:] = arrays[i,:,:]
y[i] = arrays_2[i]
y, x
# Create the different layers ; poids = weight
variable_scope("mymodel" * randstring(), initializer=Normal(0, .001)) do
global poids_1 = get_variable("p1", [2,2,2,1], Float32)
global poids_2 = get_variable("p2",[4,4,3,2],Float32)
global poids_3 = get_variable("p3",[2,2,4,3],Float32)
global poids_4 = get_variable("p4",[1,4,4,4],Float32)
global poids_5 = get_variable("p5",[1,4,4,4],Float32)
global poids_6 = get_variable("p6",[1,4,4,4],Float32)
global biases_1 = get_variable("b1",[2],Float32)
global biases_2 = get_variable("b2",[3],Float32)
global biases_3 = get_variable("b3",[4],Float32)
global biases_4 = get_variable("b4",[4],Float32)
global biases_5 = get_variable("b5",[4],Float32)
global biases_6 = get_variable("b6",[4],Float32)
logits_1 = nn.relu(nn.conv2d_transpose(x, poids_1, [batch_size,2,2,2], [1,2,2,1],padding = "SAME") + biases_1)
logits_2 = nn.relu(nn.conv2d_transpose(logits_1,poids_2, [batch_size,4,4,3], [1,2,2,1],padding = "SAME") + biases_2)
logits_3 = nn.relu(nn.conv2d_transpose(logits_2,poids_3, [batch_size,8,8,4], [1,2,2,1],padding = "SAME") + biases_3)
logits_4 = nn.relu(nn.conv2d_transpose(logits_3,poids_4, [batch_size,16,16,4], [1,2,2,1],padding = "SAME") + biases_4)
logits_5 = nn.relu(nn.conv2d_transpose(logits_4,poids_5, [batch_size,32,32,4], [1,2,2,1],padding = "SAME") + biases_5)
logits_6 = nn.relu(nn.conv2d_transpose(logits_5,poids_6, [batch_size,64,64,4], [1,2,2,1],padding = "SAME") + biases_6)
logits_6 = reduce_sum(logits_6, axis=[4])
if batch_size == 1
logits = reshape(logits_6, [num_pixels,num_pixels])
logits = reshape(logits_6, [batch_size,num_pixels,num_pixels])
smax = nn.softmax(logits)
cross_entropy = reduce_mean(-reduce_sum(y.*log(smax))) # loss function
optimizer = train.AdamOptimizer(0.0001)
train_op = train.minimize(optimizer,cross_entropy)
batch = create_batch(batch_size)
run(sess, global_variables_initializer())
x_ = run(sess, train_op, Dict(x => reshape(batch[1], (batch_size,1,1,1)), y => reshape(batch[2], (batch_size,num_pixels,num_pixels))))
If the batch_size is greater than 1, I have the following error where the input shapes are [batch_size,num_pixels,num_pixels], [batch_size*num_pixels, 1]
ERROR: LoadError: On worker 2:
Python error: PyObject ValueError(u"Dimensions must be equal, but are 64 and 640 for 'gradients/Softmax_grad/sub' (op: 'Sub') with input shapes: [10,64,64], [640,1].",)
If the batch_size is 1, my logits must be a tensor of 2 dimensions, but if the batch_size is greater than 1, must my logits be a tensor of 3 dimensions (add the batch_size to the dimensions) ?
How can I change the batch_size ?
Thank you
I found a solution.
When the logits is reshaped, use the following reshape:
logits = reshape(logits_6, [batch_size,num_pixels*num_pixels])