in an Xpage , I'm looking for a message box like p.notify that gives a personalised message that fade's in and out automatically in my onclick of a button event.
in client side I put : $.pnotify({ pnotify_title: 'Test',pnotify_text: 'personalised message'});
Which works , but how do I put a personalised text in it from for example a viewScope
in server side I put : view.postScript("$.pnotify({ pnotify_title: 'Test',pnotify_text: 'personalised message'});");
Which gives an error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined
at Function.pnotify (jquery.pnotify.min.js:37)
at demo.xsp:306
So my question : How can I put a personlised message (from for example a viewScope into the client side script , or is there a way to make my server side script to work or is there another way to get the same result ( I don't think there's a way to autoclose xpages dialogs after some time?)
In the a clientside event of any XPages control you can add serverside code, for example:
value="Show message"
pnotify_title: 'Test',
pnotify_text: '#{javascript:viewScope.yourVar}'
Does that work in your situation?