In java I can implement the composite design pattern as follows:
interface Component{
void operation();
class Composite implements Component{
public void operation(){
for(Child child in children){
public void add(Component child){//implementation}
public void remove(Component child){//implementation}
public void getChild(int index);
class Leaf implements Component{
public void operation(){
How can I write it in scala? In particular I am having trouble understanding how to write an interface and implement it?
In Scala, a Trait without any concrete methods is just an interface. So a direct translation would be:
trait Component { def operation(): Unit }
class Composite extends Component {
def operation() = children foreach { _.operation() }
def add(child: Component) = ...
def remove(child: Component) = ...
def getChild(index: Int) = ...
class Leaf extends Component {
def operation() = ...
Though if you want more idiomatic Scala, I'd recommend something like this as a definition for Composite
class Composite extends Component {
def operation() = children foreach { _.operation() }
def +=(child: Component) = ...
def -=(child: Component) = ...
def apply(index: Int) = ...
To be used as:
val comp = new Composite
comp += child1
comp += child2
comp -= child1
val firstChild = comp(0)
If you want to take this to a logical conclusion, I'd advocate building the whole composite structure as an immutable Directed Acyclic Graph (though I appreciate that this often isn't possible):
case class Composite(children: Component*) extends Component {
def operation() = children foreach { _.operation() }
val comp = Composite(child1, Composite(child2, child3), child4)