I am using Data::Dumper. My code is:
use Data::Dumper;
blah, blah, blah.....
print Dumper \@data;
My output is:
$VAR1 = [
How do I access 'Bob' or '5'? Also, how can I turn @data into a hash or variable in order to put the entire contents into a database?
EDIT: @data is created from reading the contents of a file:
while (<PARSE>) {
push @data, [unpack $template, $_]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my @data = ( [ 'Dave', 'Green', '5', ], [ 'Bob', 'Yellow', '4', ] );
print $data[0]->[2], "\n"; # 5
print $data[1]->[0], "\n"; # Bob
is an array of arrays. A hash consists of a key and a corresponding value. In order to convert the array into a hash, you have to assign one of the elements to be the key and the rest the value.
Alternative syntax:
is equivalent to $data[0][1]
perldoc perldsc
- Perl Data Structures Cookbookperldoc perlreftut
- Mark's very short tutorial about referencesAcknowledgements:
Bill Ruppert and Joel.