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krajee bootstrap-fileinput with django framework

I am trying to use this, krajee bootstrap-fileinput library with Django python framework. I need to pass csrf_token via headers to submit the file via ajax to the server. Where should I put csrf_token? In general, I used to pass as a header in ajax method in jquery. Now I don't understand where should I have to include csrf_token. Do I have to put in fileinput?


  • Although this is a very old question, here is the answer. I had the same issue with using the bootstrap-file-upload plugin and I solved it by adding the crsf token to as uploadExtraData

    Laravel adds the token into a globally available variable

        window.Laravel = {"csrfToken":"PQwQZyeHaARm0gf52qzvIdl3T203FhmPT90K2bLX"};

    You can then make use of it, when assigning the bootstrap-file-upload widget

             _token:window.Laravel.csrfToken // we pass it here to the server

    Although this is a very late answer, I still hope that someone will benefit from it. Have fun!