In order to use the "Identify", I first need to detect faces in an image using "Face Detect", then I have to pass those to faceIds (at most 10 at a time) to be used in identification. Those faces expire after 24 hours.
FaceIDs stored in LargeFaceList (or FaceList) are not expired and can be used until they are deleted. So can I use FaceIDs stored in a LargeFaceList in "Identify" calls? Or do I have to keep using Face Detect to use "Identify"?
May I ask what's your scenario to use the faceId for "Identify" after 24 hours? And second, to answer your question, the current API does not support using "persistedFaceId" as input to "Identify" call, if the time frame past 24 hours, you have to do "Detect" again to get the "faceId" to feed to "Identify". If you can provide your scenario, this would help the Service provider to understand the need.