I would like to save bytes to a file and then read that file as a text. Can I do it with one with
? What should I use, wb
, r
or wbr
myBytesVar = b'line1\nline2'
with open('myFile.txt', 'wb') as fw:
with open('myFile.txt', 'r') as fr:
myVar = fr.read()
You don't need to re-read the file if you already have its contents stored in myBytesVar
myBytesVar = b'line1\nline2'
with open('myFile.txt', 'wb') as fw:
myVar = myBytesVar.decode('utf-8')
The encoding Python assumes when reading files as text without an explicit encoding is platform-dependent, so I'm just assuming UTF-8 will work.