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Python doctest hangs using ProcessPoolExecutor

This code runs fine under regular CPython 3.5:

import concurrent.futures

def job(text):

with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(1) as pool:
    pool.submit(job, "hello")

But if you run it as python -m doctest, it hangs. Changing submit(job to submit(print makes it not hang, as does using ThreadPoolExecutor instead of ProcessPoolExecutor.

Why does it hang when run under doctest?


  • So I think the issue is because of your with statement. When you have below

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(1) as pool:
        pool.submit(job, "hello")

    It enforces the thread to be executed and closed then an there itself. When you run this as main process it works and gives time for thread to execute the job. But when you import it as a module then it doesn't give the background thread a chance and the shutdown on the pool waits for the work to be executed and hence a deadlock

    So the workaround that you can use is below

    import concurrent.futures
    def job(text):
    pool = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(1)
    pool.submit(job, "hello")
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    This will prevent the deadlock and will let you run doctest as well as import the module if you want