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Monitor vs lock

When is it appropriate to use either the Monitor class or the lock keyword for thread safety in C#?

EDIT: It seems from the answers so far that lock is short hand for a series of calls to the Monitor class. What exactly is the lock call short-hand for? Or more explicitly,

class LockVsMonitor
    private readonly object LockObject = new object();
    public void DoThreadSafeSomethingWithLock(Action action)
        lock (LockObject)
    public void DoThreadSafeSomethingWithMonitor(Action action)
        // What goes here ?


Thank you all for your help : I have posted a another question as a follow up to some of the information you all provided. Since you seem to be well versed in this area, I have posted the link: What is wrong with this solution to locking and managing locked exceptions?


  • Eric Lippert talks about this in his blog: Locks and exceptions do not mix

    The equivalent code differs between C# 4.0 and earlier versions.

    In C# 4.0 it is:

    bool lockWasTaken = false;
    var temp = obj;
        Monitor.Enter(temp, ref lockWasTaken);
        { body }
        if (lockWasTaken) Monitor.Exit(temp);

    It relies on Monitor.Enter atomically setting the flag when the lock is taken.

    And earlier it was:

    var temp = obj;

    This relies on no exception being thrown between Monitor.Enter and the try. I think in debug code this condition was violated because the compiler inserted a NOP between them and thus made thread abortion between those possible.