I have tried to precisely explain my problem in the title itself. Can I surround the matching words in query by in mysql query itself? MySQL query is:
select id, FirstName,LastName,addcomments WHERE MATCH (FirstName,LastName,addcomments) AGAINST ('some sample text' WITH QUERY EXPANSION)
The results from mysql should be like:
id | FirstName | LastName | addcomments
1 |<b>some</b> name | lastname <b>text</b> | comments have <b>some sample text</b> inside
Any help would be deeply appreciated
Thanks kris for the reply. I agree mysql will return generic results that can be consumed by any application. But can I write a mysql function for the same effect?
Also, I tried writing php function for that, but its not working:
$searchitems=explode(" ", $trimmed);
$totalSearchItems = count($searchitems);
while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result))
str_replace($searchitems[$i], '<b>'.$searchitems[$i].'</b>', $row);
//Display $row