I am trying to use the sellmerfud.optparse to parse the parameters used to launch the Spark2-Submit jar file. The code I am pasting below is adapted to paste into the spark2-shell where I force the args values as they would be passed via the command line.
The problem is that when I use the try/catch the variable I am setting does not get assigned to the class but when I do not use the try/catch, the args array parses fine and the values are available I am pasting what I captured in the spark2-shell session to provide information to see what is happening.
import org.sellmerfud.optparse._
case class Config(keyVal: String = "tst",
startDate: String = "",
endDate: String = "")
var args = Array("-k","testkey","-s","2018-01-01","-e","2018-03-31")
var clsCfg = try {
new OptionParser[Config] {
banner = "testargs [options] file...\n"
separator("Options: ")
reqd[String]("-k <string>", "--keyval <string>", "Enter Key Value")
{ (v, cfg) => cfg.copy(keyVal = v) }
optl[String]("-s", "--startdate <date>", "Enter date in mm-dd-yyyy format.")
{ (v, cfg) => cfg.copy(startDate = v.toString()) }
optl[String]("-e", "--enddate <date>", "Enter date in mm-dd-yyyy format.")
{ (v, cfg) => cfg.copy(endDate = v.toString) }
}.parse(args, Config())
} catch { case e: OptionParserException => println(e.getMessage); java.lang.System.exit(1) }
println("clsCfg: " + clsCfg)
println("\nArguments passed as array, one array element per row:")
println("clscfg.keyVal: " + clsCfg.keyVal)
Lines output from above code:
import org.sellmerfud.optparse._
defined class Config
args: Array[String] = Array(-k, testkey, -s, 2018-01-01, -e, 2018-03-31)
clsCfg: Any = Config(testkey,Some(2018-01-01),Some(2018-03-31))
clsCfg: Config(testkey,Some(2018-01-01),Some(2018-03-31))
Arguments passed as array, one array element per row:
<console>:42: error: value keyVal is not a member of Any
println("clscfg.keyVal" + clsCfg.keyVal)
But when I remove the try/catch lines as follows:
import org.sellmerfud.optparse._
case class Config(keyVal: String = "tst",
startDate: String = "",
endDate: String = "")
var args = Array("-k","testkey","-s","2018-01-01","-e","2018-03-31")
var clsCfg =
new OptionParser[Config] {
banner = "testargs [options] file...\n"
separator("Options: ")
reqd[String]("-k <string>", "--keyval <string>", "Enter Key Value")
{ (v, cfg) => cfg.copy(keyVal = v) }
optl[String]("-s", "--startdate <date>", "Enter date in mm-dd-yyyy format.")
{ (v, cfg) => cfg.copy(startDate = v.toString()) }
optl[String]("-e", "--enddate <date>", "Enter date in mm-dd-yyyy format.")
{ (v, cfg) => cfg.copy(endDate = v.toString) }
}.parse(args, Config())
println("clsCfg: " + clsCfg)
println("\nArguments passed as array, one array element per row:")
println("clscfg.keyVal: " + clsCfg.keyVal)
I get these results which does parse the string BUT More importantly it creates the variable clsCfg where I can access the class members easily.
import org.sellmerfud.optparse._
defined class Config
args: Array[String] = Array(-k, testkey, -s, 2018-01-01, -e, 2018-03-31)
clsCfg: Config = Config(testkey,Some(2018-01-01),Some(2018-03-31))
clsCfg: Config(testkey,Some(2018-01-01),Some(2018-03-31))
Arguments passed as array, one array element per row:
clscfg.keyVal: testkey
I think that I need the try/catch to properly handle malformed variables handed in, but I don't know how to get that working. Any help is appreciated.
What's happening can be shown in an example. Basically, when you use try
, scala will look at each return type of all the code blocks (try
and all the catch
, since there may be multiple) and return the one type that is common to all of them. In your case, it's Any
. Example:
val a = try { 1 } // a will be of type Int
val b = try { 1 } catch { _ => 2 } // b will be of type Int
val c = try { 1 } catch { _ => "blah" } // c will be of type Any
If you want a more scala-ish way to handle it, you could do as somebody is suggesting in the comments and use the Try()
monad, but you could build a function that returns Option[Config]
def buildConfig(args:Array[String]):Option[Config] = try {
Some(new OptionParser[Config] {
}.parse(args, Config())
} catch { _ => None }
Note that both try and catch return a Option
, since Some()
and None
are both an Option
Then use pattern matching to make sure the processing was successful
buildConfig(args) match {
case Some(conf) => // normal processing
case None => //