Hey I have a huge text which goes like this
some_data I POST postdata_1 IV POST postdata_4 III POST postdata_3 II POST postdata_2
So the post data has a the corresponding post number in Roman Numeral before the word 'POST'.
I want to put this into tags as
<post number>
</post number>
<post data>
</post data>
And so on for every post..
Can someone help me out with a regular expression for this? I'm using Ruby
If I understand well, this will work how you expect:
roman_number = /M{0,3}(?:CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(?:XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(?:IX|IV|V?I{0,3})/
regex = /(#{roman_number})\sPOST\s(.+?)(?=\s#{roman_number}\sPOST|$)/
str.scan(regex) do |post_number, post_data|
Roman numbers regex by paxdiablo, here.