I want to run a script (which I have in a .bat
file already)
"c:\Flac\flac.exe" -8 *.wav --verify --delete-input-file --replay-gain
in all subfolders of a main folder.
If I take this .bat
file and copy/paste it into any folder and run it, it works great and I get the expected results. However, if I have a main folder with 50 folders that I want to do this in, it takes forever to copy and paste that file 50 times.
Been trying to figure out the syntax for using (I assume) the command
but can't seem to get it right.
For example let's say directory tree is this:
c:\ FLAC flac.exe flac BATCH.bat Music to be converted 1 2 3
I want to run the C:\FLAC\flac BATCH.bat
in every subfolder of C:\Music to be converted
I've tried
FOR /R "C:\Music to be converted" %X IN (*.wav) DO "C:\FLAC\flac BATCH.bat" "%X"
but this doesn't work. I need the FOR /R
command to go through the subfolders, don't I?
Based on my comment.
From the command line:
For /D %A In ("C:\Music to be converted\*") Do @(PushD "%~A" & "C:\Flac\flac.exe" -8 *.wav --verify --delete-input-file --replay-gain & PopD)
Or as a batch file:
@Echo Off
For /D %%A In ("C:\Music to be converted\*") Do (PushD "%%~A"
"C:\Flac\flac.exe" -8 *.wav --verify --delete-input-file --replay-gain