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How angularjs $watchCollection method keep the oldCollection reference?

I have an 'Add Item' button on the screen which adds a new item to a list when it's clicked.

I use $scope.$watchCollection to watch a function which returns a list of all visible items.

When I clicked the 'add item' button, I received unlimited digest loop error. It seems that $watchCollection clones the list, and then the newCollection is alwasy not equle the oldCollection.

JS Bin Demo:,js,output

function MainController($scope) {
        var ctrl = this;
        var _index = 1;
        var _visibleItems = [];
        var _allItems = [];

        ctrl.addItem = addItem;
        ctrl.visibleItems = [];

        $scope.$watchCollection(getVisibleItem, function (newVal, oldVal) {
          // it looks like the newVal is always not equal oldVal?? 
          if(newVal!== oldVal){
               ctrl.visibleItems = newVal;


        function addItem() {

                index: _index,
                isVisible: true

            _index = _index+1;


        function getVisibleItem() {
            var newVisibleItems = _(_allItems).filter({isVisible: true}).value();

            // use same reference
            _visibleItems.length = 0;

            _.merge(_visibleItems, newVisibleItems);

            return _visibleItems;



  • Your issue is that every time a digest cycle runs, getVisibleItem is called. That function clears _visibleItems and then adds everything back to it via _.merge. Because _.merge makes deep copies of the items (thus causing them to be different references), it triggers $watchCollection, which will include another digest cycle being fired, causing an infinite loop of digest cycles.

    Rather than clearing _visibleItems and then adding items back into it, I recommend you do the work of actually adding/removing items that have had their visibility changed (i.e. remove items in _visibleItems that have isVisible=false and add in items that are only in _allItems with isVisible=true.

    Alternately, replacing _.merge(_visibleItems, newVisibleItems) with a simple for-loop or [].push.apply(_visibleItems, newVisibleItems will resolve your issue.