Search code examples

Filter Custom Dimension with Period in Property Name

Following this guide, I see how to filter on custom dimensions but how do I filter when there is a '.' in the key / property name?

For example, I want to filter on ServiceFabric.ServiceTypeName from this custom dimension value:

    "AspNetCoreEnvironment": "Production",
    "ServiceFabric.ApplicationTypeName": "MyCompany.MyAppType",
    "ServiceFabric.ServiceTypeName": "MyService",
    "ServiceFabric.ApplicationName": "fabric:/MyCompany.MyApp",
    "ServiceFabric.PartitionId": "some-guid",
    "ServiceFabric.ServiceName": "fabric:/MyCompany.MyApp/MyService",
    "ServiceFabric.InstanceId": "55555",
    "ServiceFabric.NodeName": "my-node",
    "CategoryName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost",
    "Protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
    "Host": "",
    "Method": "GET",
    "Scheme": "https",
    "Path": "/api/values"

The following is not working...

| extend type = customDimensions.ServiceFabric.ApplicationTypeName
| where type == "MyCompany.MyAppType"
| order by timestamp  desc 


  • the syntax for names with special things is:


    you can use that bracket+quotes thing to name columns as well:

    | extend ["This is a column with spaces"] = blah


    | project-rename ["Name with space"] = name


    • Identifiers names that include special characters (such as -) must be enclosed using [' and '] or using [" and "].
    • Identifier names that are language keywords must be enclosed using [' and '] or [" and "].
    • Identifier names that are literals must be enclosed using [' and '] or [" and "].
    • Note: Identifiers are case-sensitive. For example, you can't refer to a table called ThisTable as thisTABLE.