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Installing virtualenvwrapper on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with Python 3.6

I have been trying to download/install virtualenvwrapper on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, but I get an error message when using the command "source ~/.profile" in the terminal. I am trying to install OpenCV with python 3.6, but I need to set up virtualenvwrapper. The error I get when I run "source ~/.profile" is:

/usr/bin/python: No module named virtualenvwrapper There was a problem running the initialization hooks.

If Python could not import the module virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader,
check that virtualenvwrapper has been installed for
VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python and that PATH is
set properly.

I am following this online guide:

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.


  • Managed to fix it, had to rewrite the "~/.profile".