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Why getting IOException when pinging to rechable host using ICMPClient of POCO library?

I could not use POCO ping functionality as getting IOException when pinging to reachable host. Below is my ping example:

#include "Poco/Net/ICMPClient.h"
#include "Poco/Net/IPAddress.h"
#include "Poco/Net/ICMPEventArgs.h"
#include "Poco/Delegate.h"
#include <iostream>

using Poco::Net::ICMPClient;
using Poco::Net::IPAddress;
using Poco::Net::ICMPEventArgs;

class PingExample {
    _icmpClient.pingBegin += Poco::delegate(this, &PingExample::onBegin);
    _icmpClient.pingReply += Poco::delegate(this, &PingExample::onReply);
    _icmpClient.pingError += Poco::delegate(this, &PingExample::onError);
    _icmpClient.pingEnd   += Poco::delegate(this, &PingExample::onEnd);

int start_ping(const std::string& host)

void onBegin(const void* pSender, ICMPEventArgs& args)
    std::cout << "Pinging " << args.hostName() << " [" << args.hostAddress() << "] with " << args.dataSize() << " bytes of data:" 
       << std::endl << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl;

void onReply(const void* pSender, ICMPEventArgs& args)
    std::cout << "Reply from " << args.hostAddress()
       << " bytes=" << args.dataSize() 
       << " time=" << args.replyTime() << "ms"
       << " TTL=" << args.ttl();

void onError(const void* pSender, ICMPEventArgs& args)
    std::cout << args.error();

void onEnd(const void* pSender, ICMPEventArgs& args)
    std::cout << std::endl << "--- Ping statistics for " << args.hostName() << " ---"
       << std::endl << "Packets: Sent=" << args.sent() << ", Received=" << args.received()
       << " Lost=" << args.repetitions() - args.received() << " (" << 100.0 - args.percent() << "% loss),"
       << std::endl << "Approximate round trip times in milliseconds: " << std::endl
       << "Minimum=" << args.minRTT() << "ms, Maximum=" << args.maxRTT()  
       << "ms, Average=" << args.avgRTT() << "ms" 
       << std::endl << "------------------------------------------";

       ICMPClient  _icmpClient;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    PingExample p;
    while (true);
    return 0;

Getting the following exception when running this code:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Poco::IOException'
what():  I/O error
Aborted (core dumped)

The same exception is getting when

  • running Net/samples/Ping/src/Ping.cpp test case without any argument (in this case it should ping to localhost) or when specifying the target as argument
  • trying to ping to SocketAddres.
  • trying to ping to reachable host not to localhost.

What is the reason of getting IOException exception?


  • ICMPClient uses raw sockets. That means that you have to run your executable with root permission. See here: Raw sockets need root priviliege